Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Joe The Plumber: Political Advisor

Your 15 minutes have passed, Joe.

One of the more annoying aspects of the 2008 presidential campaign was Joe Wurzelbacher, or Joe the Plumber as he was affectionately called. A republican political prop, it was thought that Joe's proverbial 15 minutes had passed. Unfortunately, this was not the case. First we were told that Action Joe would be providing his services as a War Reporter in Israel for a right-wing publication. As laughable as that was, this new development is even more insane. Joe the Plumber is now offering his services to the GOP as a political consultant.

“It’s not politically incorrect to say you’re Republican or conservative,” Joe said. “They need to dig their heels in and fight for what needs to be done.

"What needs to be done" is not entirely clear, but it probably has something to do with epic fail.

First Post

So this is my first time blogging. I never really liked the idea of blogs, especially ones that devolve into whining about how awful your mediocre upper-middle class life is. So this certainly won't be one of those. I envision this blog being a place where I just talk about things that interest me; mainly politics, gaming, and music. Specifically, I will generally post news items and comment on them, generally in a way that is funny (or I hope people find funny). So enjoy, yay.